Voice Recognition


Library Info:

Hours: 7:30 to 4:00 pm school days. Students must have a signed bus pass to take the late bus.

The S-E Middle/High School Library has a circulating collection of over 21,000 volumes, large reference and periodical collections, and an extensive online database collection available to meet the curriculum-related and individual needs of our school's students and staff. We are also open to community members.

The library is fully automated with over 70 mac computers. The library catalog may be accessed from any computer connected to the internet. Use the MS/HS Catalog link found above.

Books and AV materials circulate for 3 weeks. Magazines are loaned for 1 week.

Library Staff:
R. Matott: Teacher-Librarian, J. Ponton: Library Aide, S. Sabin: Library Aide

Library Policies

PASSES: Students in grades 6-8 must have passes at all times except before school in the morning. Students in grades 9-12 may come to the library during lunch if they obtain a pre-signed pass. High School students may spend free mods in the library, but they will need a pass if they plan to come to the library after the mod has started.

CONDUCT: Students are expected to behave in a respectful manner towards teachers, staff and fellow students. Disruptive behavior can result in a suspension of library privileges.

BORROWING: Books may be borrowed for three weeks and renewed if needed. Certain reference books may be borrowed overnight and must be returned by homeroom the following morning. Magazines may be borrowed for one week. Vertical File items may be borrowed for three weeks.

Students are notified when materials are due. If an item is lost, the student is responsible to pay for its replacement.

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