Voice Recognition

School-Based Health Center

Bassett School-Based Health Center FAQs

Female nurse examines female student 

What is the School-Based Health Center?
An expanded school health program, the SBHC is a collaborative effort between the Sherburne-Earlville Central School District and Mary Imogene Bassett Hospital. The SBHC provides comprehensive healthcare services to students in grades K-12 right at school. Students who do not have a primary care provider may use the SBHC as their main source for healthcare. Students who have a primary care provider may use the SBHC as well; the staff can work with the primary provider. Children in need of care outside of school hours can receive healthcare from a provider of their choice or any area Bassett Healthcare site.

How do students receive services?
All SECSD students are eligible to receive services from the SBHC, but parents/guardians must complete a Student Information Form and Consent Form. These forms have been mailed directly to each student’s home. Parents/guardians may request SBHC services in writing or via phone. Notes should be turned into the main office. Calls should be directed to the school nurse or the SBHC office. Parents/guardians are welcome to accompany their children to the SBHC. Children who are too sick to attend school can still receive SBHC services (please call ahead for same-day appointments). The SBHC will make every effort to contact parents/guardians before treating students, except in matters of life or death.

What services are provided?
* Counseling
* Diagnosis/Treatment of Acute and Chronic Illness
* First Aid
* Health Education
* Health Screenings (vision, hearing, scoliosis)
* Immunizations
* Mental Health Screenings/Referrals
* Oral Screenings/Dental Referrals
* Physical Examinations (for athletic eligibility, NYS mandated school physicals, camps, colleges, working papers, etc.) 
* Social Work Services
* Referral Services (Child Health Plus information/enrollment)

Must students be enrolled in the SBHC to receive school nurse services?
No. The school nurse will continue to provide all SECSD students with the same services they have in the past, regardless of their SBHC-enrollment status. SBHC enrollment is voluntary and can be completed any time. Please note, however, that students cannot use SBHC services unless they have completed the enrollment process.

What is a nurse practitioner?
The SBHC's nurse practitioner is a Registered Nurse with a master's degree in nursing and national certification. Nurse practitioners may diagnose/treat illnesses and prescribe medications within their specialty area. This is done in collaboration with a licensed physician who is qualified to collaborate in the specialty involved, in accordance with an approved, written practice agreement and protocols.

Who is on the SBHC team?
The school nurse in each building will coordinate health services with the nurse practitioner and a physician. A full-time nurse practitioner will be available to assess student health status and treat illnesses. The NP will be on site at the Elementary School and Middle School/High School on a regular basis and always will be available for phone consultations with the school nurses. A Bassett Healthcare physician will be the nurse practitioner’s collaborating physician and will be available for consultation as needed. The physician also will be on site at the school at least three (3) hours per week to provide direct patient services and reviews. A full-time Patient Care Associate will provide clerical support to the program, as well as assist families who wish to enroll in Child Health Plus.

What does it cost to use the SBHC?
There are no out-of-pocket expenses for families who use SBHC services. The SBHC will bill a student's health insurance for services provided on site. Students who do not have adequate health insurance will not be charged for SBHC services provided on site. Billing services are provided through Bassett Healthcare. Please note that the cost for services provided off-site (i.e. lab tests, X-rays, specialty consultations, prescriptions, etc.) are the responsibility of the parents/guardians.
What is Child Health Plus?
New York State has a health insurance plan for kids called Child Health Plus. Depending on your family’s income, your child may be eligible to join Child Health Plus A (formerly Children’s Medicaid) or Child Health Plus B. Enrolling in Child Health Plus is easy and available through the SBHC.

Who has access to my child’s medical records?
All medical records are confidential, so only the SBHC staff would have access to them. To provide quality, comprehensive healthcare to enrolled students, the SBHC would be happy to send a copy of a student's medical records to his/her primary healthcare provider. Before sending records, the SBHC Enrollment: Consent for Health Services form must be filled out and the release of information section must be signed.

What if my child is ill and school is closed?
The SBHC is always open when school is in session. Services are not provided during school vacations or days off. Services are available on a limited basis during the summer. If the SBHC is not open, please use your primary provider or call Bassett Healthcare at 1-800-BASSETT (1-800-227-7388) for help. As always, dial 911 for any emergency. Please note that families with health insurance should be aware of their plan's billing/eligibility rules.

Contact Info

Elementary School
Phone: 607-674-8417
Laura Prophet, FNP
Gabrielle O’Reilly, FNP-C
Kate Stewart, RN
Stephanie Marango, AOA
Kayla DeCarr, LCSW-R

Middle/High School
Phone: 607-674-8416
Laura Prophet, FNP
Gabrielle O’Reilly, FNP-C
Michelle Nieves, RN
Gayle Morley, LCSW-R
Todd Durheimer, AOA

Dental Hygiene/Services
Phone: 607-674-8417
Cathie Rogers, RDH
Leah Carpenter, DMD
Mental Health Services
ES Phone: 607-674-8417
Kayla DeCarr, LCSW-R
MS/HS Phone: 607-674-8416
Gayle Morley, LCSW-R
SBHC Manager
Phone: 607-433-3741
Betsy Duerheimer

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