1. S-E Elementary has a Notification of Attendance Policy. If your child is absent, please call the school to inform us of your child's absence. The Health Office must make calls for all students who are absent if we do not hear from the parents/guardians on the day of your child's absence.
2. If your child is ill, running a fever, vomiting or has diarrhea, please keep him/her home until symptom-free for 24 hours. If your child ran a fever in the evening before school or vomited in the night or in the morning, please keep him/her home until symptom-free for 24 hours.
3. If your child is diagnosed with a contagious disease such as strep throat or conjunctivitis (pink eye) he/she must be on medicine for 24 hours or have at least 3 doses before returning to school.
4. If your child has an illness or injury that prevents him/her from participating in Physical Education, we may excuse him/her for 1 day only. After 1 day, we will need a note from your child's doctor excusing him/her from Physical Education. Being excused from Physical Education also includes being excused from recess. (Physical Education is a state mandated course.)
5. Children will go outside for recess unless there is inclement weather such as rain or extreme cold. Please send your child prepared every day. Children need a coat, snow pants, boots, mittens, and hat. If you need help providing these items of clothing, please contact the nurses.
6. If head lice is found, you will be contacted regarding treatment and cleaning procedures.
7. If you detect head lice on your child at home, please notify the Health Office immediately. We will then check your child's classroom and follow the above stated procedure for re-entry to school.
8. Medication given at school must follow the State Guidelines. We must have written permission from a doctor and parent/guardian for all medicines including Tylenol and cough syrup. Medicine must be in the original container and be administered through the Health Office.
Updated 8/30/2021