Voice Recognition

National Honor Society inducts 26!

SEHS National Honor Society (3/2023)

Sherburne-Earlville High School welcomed 26 new members to its National Honor Society in front of family, friends, faculty and staff on Wednesday night at the MS/HS Auditorium.

NHS members Anna Fern, Scout Knochenmus, Emily Lawrence, Kayleigh Rood, Ava Rowe, Lillian Stoddard, Trinity Thornton, Grace Todd-Rogers and Jordan Winton took turns introducing the newcomers, who received membership packets and candles from NHS Advisor Connie Hadden.

Each new member signed S-E’s NHS chapter ledger and transferred the flames from pre-lit candles representing the five NHS virtues – Knowledge, Scholarship, Character, Leadership and Service – to their own during the ceremony.

SEHS Principal Michael Waters congratulated the 2023 inductees, who took part in an impromptu photo session on stage before enjoying a reception in the Barbara Rabig Gallery.

Our 2023 inductees, who bring S-E’s total NHS membership to 36 students, are as follows: Amelia Ashton, Apollo Barker, Claire Barth, Savanna Born, Brady Bowker-Jemzura, Opal Amann-Burns, Owen Brown, Tatum Costantini, Mia Currie, Daina Donovan, Michael Fetzko, Haleigh Fisher, Dominic Fowlston, Ryker Fuller, Madalyn Jones, Oliva Kane, Ashlee Kent, Lydia Larchar, Jalyn McCarthy, Chesnee Miller, Batya Mizrahi, Adam Paliana, Bryann Symonds, Hannah Todd-Rogers, Amon Van Alst, Katelyn Walker.

You can see dozens of photos from the 2023 NHS Induction Ceremony on our Facebook page.

Congratulations, Marauders!
Posted 3/8/2023
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