Voice Recognition

The Hub officially opens at SEMS

The Hub ribbon-cutting (10/2024)

Sherburne-Earlville Middle/High School celebrated its partnership with Connected Community Schools on Thursday, October 17, with the official opening of The Hub, where students and families can get food, clothing, school supplies and more at no cost throughout the school year.

Administrators, faculty, staff and students joined CCS team members for a ribbon-cutting ceremony highlighted by remarks from SECSD Superintendent Robert Berson and CCS Co-Leaders Danielle Martin and Melissa Roys.

S-E Elementary School Social Worker William Mullin, who championed SECSD’s efforts to become one of the 14 “Connected Districts” in New York, had the distinct honor of cutting the red ribbon. More than 40 supporters turned out for the ceremony at The Hub, which has been open for students since the beginning of the 2024-2025 school year.

Located in Room 227 of SEMS, The Hub offers students a safe place to build friendships, play games, grab a snack, and “shop” for items they may need during regular school hours. CCS site coordinators also can connect SECSD students and their families with appropriate community resources to meet identified needs.

The Hub also will hold special family shopping days throughout the school year. The Hub’s first “Open Hours” event will run from 4-6 p.m. October 24. Families are welcome to “shop” for food and other tangible items at no cost during Open Hours.

For more information, call Kelsey at 315-985-5334 or Carlee at 315-832-4899, or visit the CCS website at https://connectedcommunityschools.org.
Posted 10/17/2024
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